
Created for all those with taste, Duchesse Satin was born for the love of beauty. Without taboos, discover our history.

Our mission

While silk has been in the spotlight for several years, we too quickly forget about satin which is often seen as the little brother, even though its visual characteristics and benefits are more than real.

Our mission is to dress women in the most beautiful, elegant and chic satin available. Have you ever seen paradise? Try our dresses, you will touch it with your finger. Have you ever dreamed of having straight, silky and soft hair like you are promised in advertisements? Try our satin bonnets for just one week, you won't live without them.

You see ? That's our mission. Turn dreams into reality. Because with Duchesse Satin, the only limit is you.

Our history

The love of textiles was not originally innate to Marion, the founder. She grew up in the countryside in a small village in Savoie and after her baccalaureate, without really knowing what to do and wanting to please her family, she ended up studying law... Three years later, after long reflections and a lot of courage, she decided to stop everything to study fashion. It was from that moment that everything began. First attracted by heavy fabrics, Marion then discovered the beauty of real satin, and she fell in love with it. Beyond its elegant and refined design, Marion was surprised to discover all the benefits linked to this fabric like no other: makes hair silkier, skin healthier, improves well-being... Between beauty and practicality, she was won over and began her adventure by creating Duchesse Satin.